Blogging has taken the front seat in everyone’s life. It offers room to everyone and every age group, where the basic idea is to express themselves. Even kids are enjoying it irrespective to age factor. There are many ways in which kids can blog. There are hundreds of topics for them to blog. Blogging is a step wise process wherein kids first learn how to blog, what topic to blog on, which interface to use, the need to learn about various blogging software, etc.
How blogging improves skills
Blogging helps kids in many ways, it improves their writing skill like how to frame a sentence, how to refer a particular thing, help them to connect with various kind of people and other kids, help them to show their creativity, help them to better understand the concept of computers and literature and lot more.
Kids create the best blogs
One can find many blogs for kids under 13. This includes ones created by them and others that are created for them. The basic content in these blogs is related to a topic of interest for the kids under 13. These topics can range from music, art, hobbies, cartoon reviews, computer games to various school related subjects.
The blogs that are made by kids themselves are used by them to express themselves, as a pastime, as a hobby, as a work of art and as a medium to communicate with the world and express their dreams, thoughts and ideas. It also enhances a kid’s curiosity level. The more curious is the kid; the more will be the thrust of knowledge to him. Blogging for kids is basically a result of the general curiosity of the kid to know about various things. It helps them to research various topics, hence whenever they have a question in their mind they can simply find about it on the Internet and if they want they can include it in their blogs
Hobbies are a big part of blogs
Every kid has different hobbies as we know. No two kids are the same. Some might like music and others might be interested in art. Blogging helps them to explore their own hobbies. These hobbies can depend on region, personality, upbringing, family background and level of education.
Blogging for kids under 13 is a stage for them to enhance their passion and knowledge. Blogging generally shows the personality of the kid. For example, one who loves artwork will have a blog that is designed very well with a lot of pictures and drawings and one who is more interested in literature will have good quality of content in his blog.
Whatever be the interest level, most important is to engage in safe and simple blogging. Look for our next article in our series about kids under 13 blogging and read about the safety issues for kids blogging.