Students who have started blogging may find that they have a lot of interest in it. And some might want to pursue it as a career or want to earn their pocket money by blogging. They have a natural ability and interest in creating blogs. Their parents and teachers can help them to enhance this talent.
These days’ parents and teachers are recognizing their kids learning potential, writing style, reflection and their critical analysis of others work.
There are a few ways teachers and parents can encourage their kids who are interested in blogging. They are:
- Teachers can include blogging as a part of class activities. They can help in creation of a class blog for students. It is an exciting way to enhance student’s ability to blog.
- They should encourage students to think deeper about matters for learning. And give them ideas to enhance their knowledge.
- Blogs are a medium that gives students possession of their own type of learning. It gives opportunities for them to get their voice heard. So parents should encourage them to write blogs and be creative in their thoughts.
- Parents should discuss the blogs with their children and give them their opinion about the writing style or topic selected as it will make your child feel better and more confident. You can also be their best critic and best encourager.
- Teachers can comment on their student’s blog and encourage others also to do so. This will make them write for perfection. The connection made through comments from someone who reads their blog post will make their learning more significant and appropriate.
- Teachers can encourage their students to write for school blogs. These days news reach people more in online content form. So they can write for their school magazine and other forms.
- If schools conduct competitions related to blogging students having the natural ability to create blogs or write post can show their talent. Competition always enhances one’s ability to do things perfectly.
- Teachers should teach their students about the use of proper language, spelling, grammar and punctuation in their blog posts.
- You can give them various random topics to write about on their blogs so that they become experts in writing any kind of content.
- Teach them about various tools that can be used while blogging. These tools make blogging interesting as well as very easy. If the design of the blog is done properly they can fill it with information.