Know the importance of internet safety tips for teens.
Since its inception, the internet has made tremendous progress and as we all know, with great power comes great responsibilities.
So we as the parent or educator need to be aware once we provide internet access to our children. If good habits are cultivated in our children and we provide internet safety tips for teens, they will understand how to use the internet wisely and safely.
There are several types of risks that unfortunately our children can get involved in. There can be incidents of cyber-bullying and harassment but don’t react by taking away the internet from them. That’s one reason why our children are reluctant to share their experiences with us. So in these cases give your children the space to explain what happened, then take the necessary steps to support them. You can involve the school authorities as well.
Kids don’t go online, they are ONLINE.
It may be through internet mobile phones, gaming or other interactive devices. Inform kids so they can make intelligent choices whenever the time comes.
Here are a few easy internet safety tips for teens.
- We can also look at different strategies like internet time per day rather than allowing it for the whole day. There is software available which will make the browser unavailable after a specified time limit. Apart from that there are umpteen software which can block unwanted sites and also the objectionable text on different websites.
- You can also control the way the printer is used by your children.
- Finally, there is a federal law, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It was created to specifically help protect kids online. The law is such that your child’s personal information cannot be shared across the net without your consent and approval.