There are numerous companies in the market which provide internet connection at home, schools and business organizations. A student who needs an internet connection for blogging, school assignments, online tutoring, etc will need a good speed connection and preferably unlimited access too.
There have been many ways to connect your computer to the Internet, which includes DSL, dial-up, cable, ISDN, wireless, Satellite, etc. Whatever method you choose you will always need an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP is a company that focuses in providing internet access. For example ISPs like MSN, AOL, COMCAST, AT&T, and EarthLink.
There are basically two types of internet connection.
#1 Low Cost Dial Up: It requires you to dial a phone number for a connection, hence one will need at one local number.
Few of its main features are:
- Can be used on single computer.
- Used for light to moderate use.
- It offers low cost.
- It is tied to a phone line.
- It has rather slow download speeds.
Few examples are Basic ISP,, NetZero, Juno Platinum,, etc.
There is also a different version of dial- up connection i.e. Accelerated dial-up Internet service. It is a relatively new process that utilizes your existing dial up phone line with special software to speed up your Internet access dramatically at a low cost.
# 2 High Speed Broadband Internet Access: used for connecting multiple computers to the Internet simultaneously and good for a heavy Internet user. Broadband high speed Internet access is increasingly becoming a virtual necessity in today’s high tech society. High speed broadband Internet access is now available in most areas at a reasonable monthly cost of around $20 to $60.
Few of its main features are:
- It can be used with multiple computers attached with either wire or wireless.
- It is needed for heavy use.
- One has to incur bit higher cost.
- One doesn’t need to tie up with a phone line.
- It gives fast download speeds. Broadband speed is typically 10 to 30 times FASTER than dial-up modem internet connections.
- It is usually fixed to your system via a cable, DSL, or satellite connection.
Few examples are Comcast, Cox high speed Internet, Charter High-Speed® Internet, Road Runner High Speed Online, AT&T high-speed DSL Internet service, Verizon High Speed Internet, etc.