Links form an integral part of blogs. They are embedded in the blog post so that crawlers can search them and increase the traffic to your blog.
Creating link is a slow and time consuming process but it helps in search engine optimization a lot.
One can add any number of links in their blog post, but much crowding can sometimes go reverse. So it is better to go for relevant and quality links rather than large quantity of links.
Blog links inform readers, point out a great news article, link to more detail, or send them to another page on your own blog or Web site. It can be done by adding <a> tag of HTML coding. It is called anchor.
For adding link through HTML coding one has to put target web address with in <a> tag with attribute href (i.e. called hypertext reference.) This will be followed by the text value which to be linked.
So final coding might look like this:
<a href=”website address “>text value</a>. For example if want to link our page to yahoo we will write: <a href=””>Yahoo</a>. Here the text Yahoo will become clickable.
When you add any link to your blog post, you will see that the link gets underlined, making it look different from other text. But few people don’t want to get it underlined so they use some extra code for that. They add {style=”text-decoration: none;} in the coding to remove underline.
Points to remember when adding links are:
- Always add full URL, i.e. adding HTTP:// is very important as it indicates that you are searching for a web address and not a document.
- Always remember to close the tag with </a> otherwise it will link all the text followed by the URL.
- You can also add image address in place of web address and it will take you to image and vice versa you can add link to images also.
- For example:<a href=””><img src=”yahoologo.gif”></a>
Kids and student who use interface like bloggers or WordPress to create blogs can directly add links by first highlighting the text to be hyperlinked and then clicking on the link tab given in its attribute tray. Give the desired web address in the space provided, that will automatically link the text to another web address.
One can create back links by:
- Ask your friends, family members and your relatives to give you a link from their website.
- Join various regional communities. Use these communities to build more and more links.
- Give meaningful comments on other blogs so that they come back to your site.
- Build a network of bloggers from your place.