A blog is a tool to connect both you and your students through the learning and assessment process. Creating a blog has always been very easy, but blogger by Google Inc. has made it easier.
It is one of the most famous blog publishing systems. It is mothered by a tiny company in San Francisco called Pyra Labs and came into existence in 2003. Earlier it was known as BlogSpot, and still the blogs contain that name in their blogs.
Although there are many other free tools in the market, blogger has been the most reachable because of its ease to use. Every first time blogger will like to use this tool.
Steps To Create A Blog Through Blogger
1) Open your explorer and type www.blogger.com in the address bar.
2) Create an account there. If you have a Gmail account already it can be used directly.
3) Enter the login name and password created by you.
4) Now you can create a blog. Click ‘Create your blog.’
5) Select a title for your blog. Be sure to select a meaningful and appropriate title.
6) Next select an URL address and also check for availability.
7) Now is the time to select a template. It is a very important step. You should choose wisely to match your need. In the future it can be changed to other blogger templates or available free/paid tools on the net.
8) Once you’ve finished naming and designing the look of your blog, the next step is providing content for it which can be done by writing posts. Give an appropriate title to the post and write about it in the editor.
9) Now you can click the publish button, which will finally publish it on the Internet at your blog address.
10) You can view your blog by clicking on ‘View blog.’
11) Finally you have your own address to publish to the Internet say ‘yourveryown.blogspot.com.’
Note: You can click on ‘Take a quick tour’ and read about blogs.
Can You See How This Tool Could Be Useful?
These blogs can be used to post text as well as graphic medias. The most common use these days is creating blogs for Adsense promotion and earning money. It’s easy to become skilled at using new blogging technologies. One can apply this new found skills within your teaching practices. Although it doesn’t have great features like wordpress, it is loved by bloggers because it is an exceptional tool to generate traffic to your site.