The fact that students all over the world are increasingly struggling to realize that writing is a skill has paved the way for the evolution of blog on education. About 50 percent of school children are now reluctant to hold pen and paper. When they can be somehow made to practice writing in their elementary years, it gets gradually difficult as they grow up.
Children Face a New Learning World
World of today’s children is now divided into a whole lot of things unlike earlier. They have to juggle between their study, playtime, computer and Internet, social networking, chatting and of course mobile phones. Too much of technicality also plays havoc with their imagination. Children today like to write only when they chat or send e-mails. This is also the point where traditional classroom literacy is losing to blog on education and failing to comply with what the present age demands.
Children know that they have the only chance of fun-writing in their chats and e-mails and that writing in school is a bothersome task. Children now are largely technology dependent. So if you want them to do anything, let them use technology. The lack of interest in writing can only be counteracted by making children write through the technical media. Here lies the relevance of blog on education.
Blogs and the Writing Connection
Children should be encouraged to write their own blogs to enhance their writing skill. Blog on education in addition to the social networking sites is considered chief role player to make children enthusiastic to write. Compared to almost half of the students that don’t have a blog on education, children who have it have been reported to show more improvement in their writing expertise. They are increasingly performing better in their school examinations and showing interest in writing and reading. This in turn helps to build their confidence and they are excelling in writing short stories, comics, letters and poems.
In an effort to make learning interesting to the children, interactive multimedia activities help much. On the other hand, creating and maintaining a blog on education makes them have more positive attitude towards learning. Not only can students write stories and poems or maintain an online diary through their blog on education sites, they also express their opinion on what should and should not be done to improve traditional schooling techniques. Some are expressing their concerns on the utility of encouraging children to have their own blog on education sites with respect to spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. But the key reason to introduce them to blog on education is to make children return to the basics of reading and writing. And when the classroom teaching is already there to take care of the deeper part, blog on education is wholeheartedly welcome for children’s benefit.
New Ways to Read
eReaders is also matching steps with blog on education to bring children back to reading. Reading and writing a short story or a poem requires imaginative and creative skill. While blog on education takes care of students’ writing skill, it is better if they are introduced to creative thinking to come up with interesting ideas.
For example, a few stories if are told to the students in an interesting manner, it would develop in them a liking for stories. They would then love to be a part of the storytelling art. After this level is achieved, each of the students will be provided with a few storylines, that they will have to develop on their own. A good number of students will think over the storylines and each will come up with a different elaboration and climax of the story. This will not only amaze them as how differently can a story be structured, the influence of different cultures and societies reflected in their stories will also make them come closer to each other regardless of the physical and geographic boundaries separating them. This can also be done by allotting them the task to carry the story forward one by one. It will make them brainstorm more to align their own thoughts with others instead of thinking independently and incoherently on a particular theme. This aspect of blog on education also takes part to develop the cooperative mindset in the children.
Benefits for Entire School Community
While this was the view of the school and home schooling students benefiting from blog on education, the other part focuses light on high school students and students attending the community colleges. Millions of blog sites are supervising the latest development in the education world. One will get valuable information regarding one’s choice of subjects, career preference and instructions and advices from the large number of blog sites. Not only students that are gaining from the blog on education; teachers, instructors, lesson planners and parents have realized the advantage of the blog on education sites and choosing to come within their circumference to feel secure.
Additional Resources
Teaching Literacy: Keeping Up with the Times
K-12 Lesson Plans and Online Reading Comprehension
How to Use Blogs in Education
New Times, New Literacies, New Methods
Online Readers Learn to Comprehend a New Language
Prepare for the Arrival of Digital Textbooks
Teach New Literacies of the Internet and Prepare Students for Their Future