Education online is of immense interest these days. The probable reason for this is: Online universities are the best options if you want yourself to confined in a room and have education as well. It can be either videos, music, or photographs and sketches. Actually it can be anything under the sun and these are […]
Funny Blog Pictures
Photo blogs are the blogs that feature images and the process of introducing images while blogging is called photo blogging. If you search blogspot for kids for these kinds of blogs, you will discover a huge gallery of them. These blogs for kids under 13 contain funny images. Enjoy your time surfing through these pictures. […]
Funny Blog Ideas
Amidst your rigorous daily schedule, a light and funny reading break, for example, say, a charming kids blog would provide you a brief relief and relaxation. For this reason, more people are trying these days to draw inspiration from the kids activities blog and add bits of funny elements to their blog contents. A kids […]
How to Build a Blog with WordPress
There are various software interfaces through which kids can make a blog and do blogging. One of the most famous is WordPress. Now you don’t need to write various codes or install big software to blog. Instead, you can use this user driven software that makes blogging a charm. There are many inbuilt templates that […]
Blogs for Kids Under 13
Blogging is a big world that has space for everyone and every age. So there is room for a kid under 13 years. There are many blogs for them. Few are created by expert bloggers and others are created by kids themselves. There are many kids under 13 that are blogging on various topics. It […]
How Often to Publish Blog Posts
This is a question that most bloggers would ask. And when you look for answer the most common answer you get is “as often as you can.” That’s true as it will keep your blog active and interesting. Just like a newspaper which has a new content every day a blog also requires new content […]
What is RSS Feed?
A web feed is basically a file that contains all the updated information like headlines, updated notices, new blog posts. If used in an audio video blog (podcast) or website it gives out information about new additions. They can be extracted with help for various special formats like RSS feed. Really Simple Syndication or RSS […]
How to Get Kids to Comment on Blog
These days kids visit a lot of blogs including other kid’s blog. Kids can be the best critics. If we get them to comment on a blog, it will not be bias or based on any link building process. Instead, it will be an unbiased review of whatever is written in the blog. Bu the […]